Trinity Leeds Hosts Supermarket Sweep-Inspired Event for Students

Students in Leeds are being invited to kick off the new academic year with a shopping spree at Trinity Leeds. Inspired by the classic Supermarket Sweep, the shopping centre will host an exciting one-day event where lucky winners will dash through stores, grabbing up to £100 worth of items in just 10 minutes.

The Student Shopper Sweep will take place on Thursday, 26th September, from 11am to 6pm in the central atrium of Trinity Leeds. Winners will be selected every half hour to take part in the shopping dashes, with their experiences captured on camera and shared across the centre’s social media platforms. The event will be accompanied by live entertainment, including a DJ and performance acts.

To take part, students are encouraged to sign up for their Shopper Sweep pass, which not only grants entry to the prize draw but also unlocks exclusive discounts at participating stores.

From 23rd September to 6th October, many Trinity Leeds retailers will offer special student discounts and perks. With 100 brands spanning fashion, dining, and street food at the popular Trinity Kitchen, the event promises to be a highlight for students in the city.

Steven Foster, Centre Director at Trinity Leeds, said: “We’re really excited to welcome this year’s student intake to the city and experience the best of Trinity Leeds. The Student Shopper Sweep is set to be a fun and entertaining event which we’re sure will be very popular. Along with a fortnight of offers, we plan to show students that when it comes to shopping, Trinity Leeds is the place to be.”

Students can sign up for the Student Shopper Sweep pass and find out more about the event and participating stores by visiting

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