Wednesday 12 June, 6-8pm, Caledonia House, Lawnswood Business Park, Leeds, LS16 6QY
Manning Stainton is hosting an exclusive Landlord Seminar on 12 June, aimed at both existing landlords and those looking to enter the lettings sector.
Hosted by Manning Stainton’s managing director, Mark Manning, and its head of lettings, Amardeep Lall, the event will allow current and potential landlords to hear from industry experts and have their questions about investment properties answered.
A selection of speakers – including specialists from Rightmove and accountancy firm, Brown Butler – will cover a variety of topics, including current market conditions, the benefits of tenant referencing and rent guarantee, the impact of capital gains tax reforms for landlords, and the current state of the mortgage market.
Following the seminar, attendees will be invited to the exhibition area where they’ll get to meet local experts, including investment specialists, gas engineers and mortgage advisors, who will answer questions and provide advice across different areas within lettings.
Speaking about the event, Mark Manning, said: “The lettings market is an everchanging landscape and we’ve designed our event to provide up-to-date guidance and advice that will help existing landlords get the best from their portfolios, while helping potential landlords on their journey into the world of lettings.
“Our last event proved hugely popular, so we’d urge anyone interested in attending to book their place quickly. It’s free to book and we’re looking forward to welcoming people on the night.”
The event will take place from 6-8pm on 12 June at Manning Stainton’s head office (Caledonia House, Lawnswood Business Park, Leeds, LS16 6QY). For further event details and to book a free ticket, please visit Manning Stainton’s Landlord Seminar Tickets, Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 6:00 PM | Eventbrite
Manning Stainton is the region’s leading estate agent, with 19 sales and letting branches across Leeds, Wetherby and Wakefield. The company also operates Fine & Country, its specialist division that deals with high-value and unique properties. For further information visit