Flamingo Land Set to Reopen Scarborough’s Alpamare Waterpark

In a significant move to bolster Scarborough’s tourism industry, Flamingo Land has been selected as the preferred operator of the Alpamare Waterpark. North Yorkshire Council made the announcement following a three-week search for potential operators, aiming to have the popular attraction open in time for the core summer season.

Council officers are currently collaborating with Flamingo Land’s management team, based near Malton, to finalise the reopening terms. The decision, confirmed on Tuesday, 21 May, marks a pivotal step towards revitalising the waterpark, which has remained closed since December last year.

North Yorkshire Council’s deputy leader, Councillor Gareth Dadd, expressed his enthusiasm about the partnership: “We are delighted to be able to announce that Flamingo Land is our preferred operator. As a council, we never intended to run this ourselves but instead to find an operator with the right expertise to take it on and get it reopened for the summer season. It is a key visitor attraction on Scarborough’s North Bay and makes a telling contribution as a commercial tourism venture. It is great to be looking to work with a well-established, local and trusted operator.”

North Yorkshire Council’s deputy leader, Cllr Gareth Dadd (right), and Flamingo Land’s chief executive and owner, Gordon Gibb at the Alpamare Waterpark site in Scarborough

Gordon Gibb, Chief Executive and owner of Flamingo Land, shared his excitement about the new venture: “This is an exciting new venture for us. It’s a big challenge for us but we are always up for a challenge at Flamingo Land. We aim to get Alpamare open to the public again in July.”

Flamingo Land, renowned for its theme park, zoo, and holiday homes in Kirby Misperton, has a history of managing successful attractions, including the former Pleasure Island in North East Lincolnshire. The company is also the preferred bidder for a new adventure holiday development at Loch Lomond.

The Alpamare Waterpark, located off Burniston Road, boasts a variety of attractions, including a wave pool, splash and play pool, four state-of-the-art slides, two outdoor pools, an alpine-themed spa and treatment area, and a café and terrace bar. Purpose-built in 2016, it overlooks Scarborough’s picturesque North Bay.

North Yorkshire Council took possession of the site after its previous operator, Benchmark Leisure Ltd, entered administration. With Flamingo Land on board as a short-term operator, efforts will now focus on securing a permanent solution for the waterpark’s future operations.

As preparations get underway, local residents and tourists alike can look forward to the reopening of this key attraction, set to enhance Scarborough’s appeal as a premier seaside destination.

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