Craven District Council has sent representations from a consultation on the Further Main Modifications to the draft Craven Local Plan to the independent Inspector.
The six-week public consultation ended on August 29 and a total of 25 representations were received from 24 representors.
Fourteen of those representations relate to land north of Skipton which is proposed as Local Green Space under draft local plan policy ENV10.
As requested by the Inspector, all the full original representations received during the consultation period have been sent to the Inspector for his review and consideration of the points raised within them.
A document containing these representations together with CDC responses, where required, has also been sent to the Inspector.
Both the full set of original representations and the document containing these representations together with CDC responses, where required, are available to view on the Council’s website HERE by scrolling to the bottom of the page.
The timetable for the next steps are dependent on the date of receipt of the Inspector’s report and its content, including whether or not it contains all the proposed main modifications.
Craven District Council anticipates the Inspector’s report to be published during September/October 2019, and adoption of the new Craven Local Plan is anticipated during October/November 2019.